Our Story
Our family's legacy is helping to build yours.
As the grandson of both Percy Moody of Moody's Diner and Carl Beck of C.O. Beck & Sons Roofing, Allan Beck has had the desire to serve others by providing excellence in service. Allan started his career in the financial service industry with Prudential in 1988 along side his father, Bob Beck. After spending almost a decade with Prudential, both Allan and Bob, made the decision to start their own companies, Cornerstone Financial Services, LLC and Senior Financial Services, LLC. Allan spent the next 20 years helping clients throughout the Mid-Coast and beyond with their insurance and financial planning needs from his home office in Nobleboro. With the growth of his business, came the need for a physical office that would allow Allan to better serve the needs of his clients.
A dapper, young Allan Beck preparing for his future career
An old building with plenty of new hope. Cornerstone started their investment into a new office space in 2017.
In 2017, Cornerstone purchased the property where the new office is now located. The existing building at the top of the hill had been a revolving door of various restaurants with plenty of potential. What Allan saw in the building was an opportunity to establish a comfortable setting for people to be able to meet and discuss their needs while also being able to revitalize a small piece of Waldoboro. In a years time, Allan along with the help of many others, were able to turn the former restaurant into a beautiful office building.
Our main workshop space before renovation and on our grand opening in 2018.
Our lobby as it was during it's restaurant days and now how it currently looks.
Allan's oldest son, Andrew, installing our new sign
On July 2nd, 2018, we had our first client meeting in the new space.
Since opening the new office in 2018, Cornerstone continues to grow. In 2020, Allan's father retired after 30+ years in the financial services industry and his youngest son, Aaron, joined Cornerstone as an Independent Insurance Broker. Sadly, at the end of 2020, Allan's mom, Bob's wife and Percy Moody's daughter, Judy, passed away after many years of battling cancer.
We all miss you, Judy.
Most recently, Cornerstone has renovated the old apartment space above the office allowing for the other brokers to have their own space. After 33+ years in the industry, Allan and Cornerstone are still writing their legacy and hope to help in the writing of yours.
Our office as of today.
4 generations of Beck men. Brody, Andrew, Allan and Bob